Javier At ManAvenue.com

Many members have requested additional photos and videos featuring
Javier. Javier "Exposed" will allow you to see the many photos that were part of his shoot / episode a few weeks ago. Not previously seen, there is alot of posing and flexing with Javier simply looking like a god. If you haven’t already done so, please check out his episode dated October  26, 2007 – entitled "Javier". 

Secret: Another video with Javier and Angelo (a newbie) is cumming soon!!!

click here to see more….


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Site Update!!

In addition to their weekly additions ManAveune has added an exciting NEW feature. 

Their Bonus Theatre (Hardgayfeeds from Pistol Media) is now available to all members giving you access to 700+ full-length movies from Hot Desert Knights, Czechboys, Fratmen, Jake Cruise, RearStable, Treasure Island Media and Sexgaymes.tv (those hot men from Australia). This bonus content is both solo and hardcore and is updated weekly or bi-weekly.