COLT Releases “Beg For It” By Kris Weston
COLT Releases "Beg For It" By Kris Weston
Beg For It directed by multi-award nominated director Kristofer Weston. In this scene Lucky gets more than lucky, and a lot more than he bargained for when he stumbles into a warehouse full of heavy duty dungeon gear. With wide eyed curiosity he explores the cages, playing with the shackles and chains of this industrial sized playpen dungeon. But he soon finds he’s not alone. As he enters a slave cage he hears a clink behind him. He turns his head as leather stud Vince locks him in with an evil grin. Lucky BEGS to be let out of the cage and says he’ll do anything to be let out. Vince give a devilish smile… and the begging has only just begun. I am certain this is going to drive your members begging for me as well.
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