Special Fratpad Live Update!
Finally, a few weeks ago we told you about how Collin had disappeared into the jungle near the new Fratpad and come back with lots of video of his adventures. Members are finally being shown the results in the new Fratpad-only feature "Collin: Into the Wild." The video shows Collin demonstrating the skills he got when he trained for the marines Special Forces. Not a lot of porn sites would take the chance of releasing a movie featuring one of the models wearing MORE clothes and not less. It’s one of the things that makes Fratpad so different. Instead of just showing naked guys, Fratpad allows you to get to know the guys and see what they’re really like when they’re not on camera… which just makes them hotter.
This is also just the first stages of a whole new part of Fratpad… the video screening room… Fratpad will go beyond just live video and add streaming, downloadable movies featuring the guys both in the pad and out in the world doing their favorite things…. watch for more movies with the guys soon.