Kevin And Travis Big Muscle Dudes On RandyBlue
Kevin And Travis Two Hunk Muscle Dudes On RandyBlue
For all of his intense sexual energy you wouldn’t think Kevin Falk would be a hopeless romantic. But when Randy asked him what a perfect date would be like he said it would start off with a glass of wine, some soft music and then lots of hot sex. So Randy figured we’d start our new video off with Kevin and Travis James having the perfect romantic evening. That lasted all of thirty seconds when Kevin looked deep into Travis’ eyes and blurted out, ‘I am a little bit horny’. Then it was out with the wine and in with the hot sex. Well, the best laid plans of mice and men, right? Randy was kind of glad thought because watching Travis going down on Kevin’s massive cock, with Kevin directing his head with a gentle but firm hand was way better than watching them snuggle and make out. Plus, Kevin caressing Travis’ gorgeous round ass, giving it a good smack or two, is a visual I won’t forget anytime soon. We swear Kevin could teach a class in suc king cock because he’s got a few techniques that are sure to draw the cum out of the most stubborn cock, and the look of desire and concentration on his face is priceless. And it was a lot of fun watching Travis try to emulate him, like a good student trying to make his teacher proud. And seeing Kevin’s magnificent body doing just about anything is well worth your time and money. His body just gets better and better with every muscle in perfect definition. And if you like things just a little on the rough side you’ll love the way he throws Travis down on the couch so he can shower him with one of the biggest loads we’ve ever seen him shoot. And that was so hot that Travis couldn’t resist adding his own to the mix.
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