“Sweet Shot Josh” On BukBuddies.com
Hottie Josh Is Back At BukBuddies.com
Josh is back and as sexy as ever. His latest feature is entitled “Sweet Shot” and for good reason. His money shot is totally awesome and for that reason if for no other this set is a must see and must see again.
Josh is as athletic as he is handsome, so much of this photo shoot has him exercising, twisting and turning, this way and that and even upside down. But, the set opens with a series of beautiful shots with Josh setting in the studio basking in the afternoon sunlight filtering into the studio. The mood is relaxed and casual; the effect is hot and sensual.
We made sure to include as many close ups of all Josh’s body parts as possible, from the clothed shots at the glass table to the semi nudes of his flaccid manhood to the fully erect shots just before he explodes his massive load all of his face, chest and sofa as well. In this set, the erotic energy builds with every touch and stroke as he brings himself to full erection.. Lube and spit mix as he strokes himself in frenzied pleasure. There is nothing left to imagine as he finishes this set completely spent. Awesome.