Peter Power At

“Peter Power” stars our favorite 6 foot 7 inch, 220 pound jock Peter. You’ll remember his size 15 shoes and his monster fat uncut 7 plus inches of solid man meat. He’s pure macho Italian stallion from top to toe and this week he proves once again that size matters as he saunters around the studio wearing his size XXXL gear and flaunting his size XXXL body parts.

The ab machine proved an excellent location for us to get some great candid portrait shots and later, after several changes of clothes we worked the skin and semi nude shots. Peter has more body hair this time around and a much more toned body, making his look more mature and definitely more handsome. Working the gym has definitely paid off for this dude.

The green exercise ball was a perfect choice for his nude and erotic nude shots. Big balls for big boys, so to speak, and the resulting shots are just great.  His jerk off set is super. The only thing that matches his huge size is his huge dick and giant jizz load to finish the set. This is all great photography and a great new feature from the big guy. 

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